
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

before and after pair

The two chimneys on the power station were demolished on Saturday - the power station was decommissioned 2 years ago and they have slowly been dismantling all the buildings.

Lots of people lined various vantage points to watch the explosion - on land and water. It was fast and there was a lot of dust.

The view will take some getting used to without the chimneys as prominent markers.  i guess 50 years ago when they were built the locals felt equally challenged to get used to the new skyline.

Looking forward to all your usual creative ideas in pairs this week.


Maggie said...

Fifty years gone in a puff of smoke! Well caught. Wouldn't that be an annoying time for your camera to play up.

Patio Postcards said...

What perfect timing you had with your photos. I get the shivers thinking of the amount of dust that went through the air, hopefully no homes close by.

Eileen T said...

Good timing!

I can't get the linky to work today, so will try later.

Karen said...

Oh my, that was dramatic! You got a perfect shot of it.

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Wow - great shot - you can still see the dust from one chimney - good work.

Anonymous said...

super timing...I have seen demolitions on TV but never in person...what a great photo opportunity. I am sure if it was me trying to get a photo I would have missed it!!

This West London Life said...

Great timing for the second shot!

Sian said...

Oh, I loved seeing these photos. We drove past this power station the other week and it looked like an amazing place to use as a film set. But it was dark, so I didn't take any pictures. Then we read about the demolition at the weekend: couldn't believe it!

Melissa said...

Great pairs capture.

alexa said...

Blimey, you've captured a real piece of history here! Was there a great cheer when it went up (or down)?

alexa said...

Blimey, you've captured a real piece of history here! Was there a great cheer when it went up (or down)?

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

What a great pair of shots. Perfect timing on the second. Joining in a little late this week.

Sandie said...

What a great shot Helena. I'm wondering if this is the power station we would have passed on our way round the coast after leaving you? I saw a huge building that was just a shell....
Another part of history gone.

Barbara said...

A great capture!

Gail said...

Always so sad to me when they do this. John & I met working at a power station that has since been demolished and it's 4 stacks blown up - I think it was the first day that I blogged. John went & saw it happen - said everyone was really sad, no cheers.