Really enjoyed the 2 long thin spaces on the 1st page – one horizontal and one vertical. I looked at things differently to find good shots for these spaces – on Wednesday part of the inside of the fridge door and the supermarket trolley handle. I intend to use these type of shots some more in Project Life in the coming months.
Liking the mix of detail shots and wide scene shots. On Thursday I have the dining table and a close up from above of my dinner plate. And the river scene plus a detail of swans. Again something I need to remember to continue in Project Life
I decided on Monday that I was not going to write about the events of each day but to use the text space for details of something like the artists on my nano playlist or what I ate during the day. Some relate to the day and some to life now.
Overall the template I chose has worked well and I particularly like the mix of photo shapes. Assigning some spaces for the same thing each day made the planning easier – I had 2 meals and a closeup of me on each page. Most days I only took as many photos as I needed for the template and kept a note of which spaces I had filled throughout the day. Creating each page the next morning worked for me.
I’m going to print each page A4 and put them in page protectors inside my Project Life album instead of a spread for this week. I think I’ll do it again next year in another part of the year – late summer or autumn I think would be good.