I just bought a flat. Just over a year ago I packed up my stuff and set of for some travelling before moving back to Scotland. I am staying with my sister and parents and have been house hunting near Edinburgh. On Tuesday I made an offer on a flat which was accepted – under Scottish law that agreement is binding so the flat is mine. Very excited.
The flat needs new kitchen and bathroom and every room needs decorating – yeah – a big project to keep me busy. I have piles of brochures that I am looking through and a book of graph paper for plotting room design.
I’m also thinking colour palettes for each room. I love colour so have been thinking about this a lot and gathering inspiration.
For the room that will be my office/crafting room and the guest room I am using this fabric as the inspiration
I used the fantastic colour site, kuler, to create some palettes. The site has lots of created colour schemes but it will also create them from a photo on your computer (or on flikr). You can choose bright, deep and so on and also customise your own.

Here are four that I made from this photo. I’ll be playing some more and using them while looking at some materials before deciding which version to use.
Love this aspect of kuler. I’ve been collecting other images as possible basics for colour range for other rooms. I’ll share them as I work on them.
And expect regular postings on aspects of home decoration over the coming months.