
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Zoom in to find the duck

Managed to get out by the river in between fog and rain.  Lots of bird movement at the moment (43 swans at last count comapred to the 10 that wintered here). 

It always amazes me how well birds are camoflaged on the river, especially when there is no direct sun - spotted in this photo are swan, goose, gull and duck

did you notice the duck asleep on the stones?  zoomed in so you can see (its near the bottom of the stones nearly half way along from the left)

into our fourth month of zooming in and out and still enjoying both seeing how you all use this meme and challenging myself to find a new topic each week


Karen said...

The birds are well camouflaged. I have to really search to see them in the Zoom Out. There are two spots where you might see a few swans here, but 43? That's wonderful!

Sian said...

Yes, I'm still very much enjoying seeing what you find every week

Anonymous said...

You have very good eyes. I didn''t see that duck at all. I'm really enjoying see what you and everyone else comes up with weekly. Speaking of which I better take the camera with me when I go out today.

Missus Wookie said...

Oh we love spotting birds - especially ducks. Off for a wander with my camera this afternoon duck hunting :)

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Wow - that's a good one. I love finding things like this were you really have to look to see what is there.

Prairie Jill said...

Wonderful camouflage! I saw the gull and the swan, but would never have spotted the duck.

Miriam said...

Brilliant camouflage! I am still loving this meme too. In my project 365 the prompt for the 4th is Look Up...

Maria Ontiveros said...

We're both featuring water this week. And I returned to the same locale this week as last but with very different results. I love this meme and how it keeps my blogging along!

This West London Life said...

Great capture!

Jimjams said...

Well spotted - thank you for this meme Helena - I've already taken more photos (of other things) because of having my camera near more of the time!

alexa said...

I wouldn't have seen it if you hadn't pointed me in the right direction! This is a most enjoyable meme, Helena.