
Thursday, May 4, 2017

Three on a walk on Thursday

Joining Mary Lou with a trio of photos with a theme - this week my theme is simply that I took them all on the same walk - which was between vibrant yellow fields so they all feature yellow too

It was a very overcast day so the yellow was a welcome contrast to the foggy grey sky

This dog kept looking back as if to check on my whereabouts - her name is Bella although she paid no attention each time her man called her


Patio Postcards said...

These are amazing photos - the yellows are so intense. I like that the dog was noticing someone else on her walk. That is one long stone wall. I can't pick a favourite view. Thanks for noticing & joining in this week.

Karen said...

Beautiful! The yellow fields remind me of the canola fields we saw in Alberta a couple of years ago.

Sian said...

The yellow is wonderful.

Eileen T said...

It looks like a lovely place to walk.

Lady Ella said...

Yes, lovely place to walk. The rapeseed/canola really cheers the road on a grey day. Would love to see for myself (but too much further into the season and the smell and pollen would mean I couldn't do that route any more!)

Maggie said...

Lovely. The rapeseed has been very vibrant around here and a lot of it too but mainly when I am driving and can't stop!

alexa said...

That bright yellow against the grey is very striking - you've got very atmospheric effects here. I often see owners calling their dogs and it seems totally random whether the dog responds or not!

Patio Postcards said...

All well with you I hope ... missing your posts.