On a nice sunny day we drove along the coast to one of the small fishing ports which catches a lot of lobster and enjoyed very tasty lobster and chips while sitting on the side of the harbour looking at lobster pots. Afterwards we had a look at the information shed for the new lobster hatchery which is working with the lobster fishermen to grow on the eggs from caught lobster and then release them to ensure a sustainable lobster population in local waters - they had a lobster in a tank. The dramatic change in colour from live to cooked always amazes me.
I enjoyed all your sets last week and am always interested to see patterns that emerge
snap with snaps in a visual set - love to see what has caught your eye this week
Years ago I traveled through New England and up to Nova Scotia and the eastern Canadian provinces with a friend during an August vacation. We ate lobster regularly at community dinners and along the coast. Your SNAP brought back memories of that trip, and some delicious dinners.
Cool to hear that they are using the captured eggs to grow the population. Lobster take so long to grow to a reasonable size too.
I like lobster, but prefer the US side of the Atlantic version to the UK North Sea/channel version. DD on the other hand will eat almost any sort of seafood :)
I live in Scotland, used to live in New Zealand and travel often for work and pleasure.
I always have my camera with me and enjoy recording daily life and quirky things I see. Digital art and recording life are my primary creative outlets at the moment.
I've tried many crafts and still knit sometimes and make jewellery and play with paper, glue, stickers and brads.
maven - trusted expert in a particular field, who seeks to pass knowledge on to others. discussed byGladwell
celebrate the obvious - what is ordinary to you is often a revelation to others(part of Improv Wisdom)
Ooo, that looks tasty. Great set of photos, Helena.
It does make it look tasty. I'm not a greet seafood person but you have tempted me.
Years ago I traveled through New England and up to Nova Scotia and the eastern Canadian provinces with a friend during an August vacation. We ate lobster regularly at community dinners and along the coast. Your SNAP brought back memories of that trip, and some delicious dinners.
Cool SNAP collection. Interesting that lobster is "farmed" which is a good thing for all those enjoying tasty treats along the coast :)
This is an interesting one. I've never eaten lobster. It''s on my bucket list.
yum...lobster is one of my favorites!
I must confess to thinking that lobster is over-rated ... but you've snapped a great set ... the contrast in colour is astonishing!
Yes, the transformation is amazing. I've eaten lobster once, at The Carved Angel in Dartmouth, when I was 18. I remember feeling very grown up!
Oh, that sounds like a lovely way to spend a day!
Cool to hear that they are using the captured eggs to grow the population. Lobster take so long to grow to a reasonable size too.
I like lobster, but prefer the US side of the Atlantic version to the UK North Sea/channel version. DD on the other hand will eat almost any sort of seafood :)
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