
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Snap in a spin

So many lovely snap sets from everyone - I'm really enjoying seeing all the different ideas and finding sets to use.  I missed a good set over the weekend - I realised that on my walk I had passed 4 different lost gloves placed onto railings - but I had not photographed any and did not have the energy to retrace my walk to get them all.  Since then I haven't seen a single abandoned glove but when I do I will take a photo!

This week I went for a set of spirals made with different materials - can yo tell what they are?

a danish pastry; felted rose; snail shell; wire decoration on a cheese knife


This West London Life said...

What a clever idea! I guessed the snail shell, but was stumped by the others.

Maggie said...

That is very clever and I like the way you have presented them. When I first saw them I thought they were going to be buttons.

Karen said...

I wasn't at all sure what these were when I first saw them, but did recognize the Danish pastry. (Wonder why that is?) Interestingly, I took photos of two lost gloves yesterday---now I'll be looking for a couple more.

Patio Postcards said...

Great. You, Karen & I all must be on the same page; my lost items is in the bank & ready to go ... great minds.

My guess of your spirals: danish (cinnamon bun) cookies, chocolate; knob

Sian said...

The gloves would have made a good one. Fingers crossed at least some of them have made their way home by now (cos you have to hope, don't you? lol)

But I'm not going to dismiss any set which contains a Danish Pastry. Yum.

Anonymous said...

Cool. I could identify the pastry and the snail!

Missus Wookie said...

At first glance I thought of icing for the rose and then looked again. Didn't get the cheese knife tho' - thought that was a button or the end of a handle. Fun set!

Sandie said...

This is a good theme Helena, spirals are very appealing.
I am doing a catch up, it's been a busy start to the year and I am only now starting to catch my breath. Looking forward to working my way backwards through your posts.

Miriam said...

I spotted the danish pastry right away! A great set for Snap!

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

a cinnamon roll, a flower, a snail and a spring? Great idea!!!

Maria Ontiveros said...

Wow - really creative!

Anonymous said...

Like the variety in them.