
Sunday, May 16, 2010

photo a day week 19

I’ve been on the move again.  Finished my work in Canberra and then spent a few days on the coast east of there before flying back to the UK.  Strange to be back with apple blossom and lush green after very autumnal colours in Canaberra. 

photo a day19

1. watching the UK election results on the internet

2. feeding lorikeets in big aviary

3. pelicans at Noomra bay

4. a scenic forest drive

5. pelicans, seagulls, a seal and stingray wait for scraps from the fishermen gutting their catch

6. signposts were the closest I got to seeing marsupials in the wild

7. my view for 8 hours on first leg of flights from Australia to UK


Elizabeth said...

I think you must be happy to be home. It's nice to get away but there is no place like home. However, you have lots of great photos and memories of your trip.

humel said...

Welcome home! I can imagine that must be a culture shock :-)

Lizzie said...

How long were you away? It seems like for ever... Welcome home and I hope you can have a little break before doing too much more travelling.