As usual there are lots of swans on the river – unusually they were not just at the river mouth, due to a particularly high tide, which made them easier to photograph.
In July I read 5 books on my kindle – 4 of them scifi and the other a crime but actually all were predominantly about friendship and unrequited love set against different backdrops.

I read 3 old scifi books from a website that is saving old scifi as e-books before they disappear
Judgement Night by C L Moore (a collection of stories)
The man with 6 senses by Muriel Temple – written in 1920s and interesting as social history as much as for the scifi element
Four sided triangle by William Temple – written in 1940s and again interesting as a reflection of the times as well as the imagined part
My favourite book of the month, which I read completely on my train journey to London was Every Day by David Levithan. It is labelled as teen fiction – because the main characters are 16 – but I really enjoyed the premise and the character descriptions. I’ve read reviews of it and people seem to love it or hate it – I loved it and would recommend you have a look if you are comfortable with an unusual situation which is unexplained but provides the basis for the story that unfolds.
I was also busy with my crochet hook and finished my jumper

It is indicative of the cool weather we had throughout the month that I spent a ‘summer’ month making an autumn jumper. I then went on to make some slippers – but as I finished them in August I’ll show you them in my August summary.
I also framed some pieces of embroidery that had been made by my Aunt which I found when I was sorting through her sewing stash for my Uncle (my aunt died 4 and a half years ago). I’m delighted to have a piece of her work on my wall (I have the poppies)

And I decorated some terracotta pots for my sister’s birthday gift – she has a large collection of succulents in her conservatory and is always in need of new decorative pots. I used the fabulous bronze metallic sharpie – the ink went on very easily – they are my favourite metallic pens by a long way as they do not clog or leave blobs and the colour and sheen is great

Overall July was a busy month but I’ve already shared my other exploits – trip to London, crochet at the gallery and crochet chain, jazz and food festival and produce from my garden.
To finish my favourite shot not already shared – I saw these nasturtiums escaping through a perfectly blue fence and just has to stop for a photo