I’m following along with Ali Edwards’ week in life project this week – recording the details of life now. I’ve decided to take 9 photos a day and to add text onto the photos in most cases. I used the drawn boxes by Ali but changed them a bit and created both black and white versions.
I decided to have a bit of a theme for each day and to start off with I decided to set the scene of where I am – Canberra Australia. For each day I’ll print one photo large on card – I decided to use this one of a Canberra icon
and then I have page protectors which hold 4 normal size photos and I’ll fill each side for that day. Here are 4 of the ones I took today, with the text added.
A photos of the newsreader on ABC news and I’ve listed the first world news item (ash stopping flights) and the first Australian story (talks on health reform between federal and state premiers)
I’ve recorded the temperatures today – minimum 9 C and maximum 25 C
I included the other big icon of Canberra – the parliament buildings. it has grass over the roof and you can walk on it!
I’ll take a self-portrait each day. I decided to use all that white space to record the basics on why I am in Canberra at the moment (a 3 month work contract) and that this is the longest period that I have lived in Australia.
The other 4 photos for Monday are – gum trees, parrots, lovely evening sky and a big sign saying Canberra.
Feeling good about the photos and writing on them digitally. What I forgot about today was to collect bits of paper but I can print out stuff from the computer at work to fill the last page for Monday.