An eclectic mix of images that together made up my 9 days in the city. Some are events that I happened upon and some are sites we see on the TV all the time. I love the range of templates in the Focus Biograffiti album set that I am using for this photobook of my travels.
Top left going clockwise:
taxis on Times Square – there are masses of them but never an empty one when you need one!
there were a lot of mounted police around the financial area because of the protests – these 3 are outside Lehman brothers and seemed to sit all day rather than moving around
fabulous views from Battery Park at the bottom of the island – skyline is how I think of the city
Red M&M on a massive electronic billboard in Times Square – do they really make that much from chocolates?
The wall street protestors
Show hoardings in Time Square. I went to see Mama Mia which was fabulous – such energy and fun
In a subway station – efficient and functional and utilitarian
One of the 9/11 memorials – this one a damaged statue now in Battery Park
One of the flags on the scaffolding around ground zero
Flags fly everywhere – something I really noticed as being different from the UK
Pizza by the slice – v yum and so many choices.

For the title page of the set of 4 for NY, I followed the same pattern as the Nepal set and featured the workshop, including me in action explaining something. I have filled the bottom box with a summary but I did not include it here as it includes details of the participants and facilitators.
I’m liking this format for the city summaries. Next up will be Istanbul.