What an amazing array of art in response to the first summer of colour pair last week – I enjoyed visiting many blogs and seeing work using different mediums and techniques. I’ll definitely be visiting all on the linky again this week.
Our colour pair this week continues the bright theme but on the other side of the wheel

I played with the wave distortion filter in Photoshop Elements creating patterns and put some together as a collage

Then I used one of them as a background for some play with words

reflecting on the extent to which we all use words that are very specific to a particular context and how easy it is to forget that this language in a mystery to others.
I’ve used series of words from different parts of my life as well as emoticons and text or internet speak
The specific sets of words on the diagonals are
* Maori words used regularly by New Zealanders
*slang from North East Scotland
* terms in Photoshop elements
*organisations I work for and with
*fiscal terms commonly in the news
* blogger terms
* from my days as a political scientist
*barista coffee lingo
* StarTrek talk
* crochet terms
and of course babelfish is a HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy reference.