He uses spray paint, newspaper, old bowls and a blade to create amazing fantasy-scapes
The red plant on the right – the leaves were created using a sponge, the trunk was scrape with the blade to reveal earlier layers of paint and the blue plant was created using pleated newspaper.
He sells the pieces after they dry (takes over an hour, I overheard) and has a collection too. I’m happy to donate each time I watch him create.
I’m using one of these for the graffiti art item in Rinda’s scavenger hunt – because he is creating using spray paint cans and doing it in public
Stunning pieces - we spotted a spray can artist in Barcelona and DD was fascinated at the effects he could achieve.
Amazing talent
What an enterprising and talented thing to do! Thank-you for the glimpses ... and how nice of you to keep supporting him. :)
Wow. I wonder if he can make a living doing that? He's very talented.
And it's a great find for the hunt!
I love this on oh so many levels! It could also been someone painting outside their house.
This is amazing!
I'm so glad you shared it. There's wonderful talent out there.
I remember seeing someone creating like this...just can't remember where..it's amazing to watch!
Alison xx
That is totally amazing!
How cool that you get to see him making his art! The photos are amazing so in person it must be mesmerizing!
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