One of the books in our Boxing Day bookpile was “The Book of Idle Pleasures” – descried on the back as “The book lists and reflects on 75 simple pastimes and proves that the best things in life really are free: lighting fires, skimming stones, catching falling leaves, whittling, staring out of the window, dreaming, doodling or taking a nap. "The Book of Idle Pleasures" is a celebration of pleasure for its own sake in a world of consumer overload.”
Each idea has a double spread with a lovely drawn illustration.
As soon as I saw it I thought “minialbum”. No specific ideas or format but I like the idea of focusing on those simple things that make me happy and don't cost much. I was dipping into it again at the weekend and thinking about which I agree with (dancing; slippers; popping bubblewrap) and which others I would add (laughing; paddling in the sea; markets; rainbows, cutting and gluing coloured card).
A mini-album with a photo on each page and short handwritten journaling would work well I think, probably no more than 20 items. I will keep the idea percolating.
What would you have on your list?