September was nicely busy with plenty of crafting, sports watching and visits.
Crafting has mostly been around planning a crochet project gift which I can’t share but has fabulous colours. Plus a successful craft fair with my crafting for charity group where we raised over £200 which has now gone to Mary’s Meals and will provide a meal for 16 children at school for a year.
As well as hours in front of the TV watching rugby I also saw the Cycle Race of Britain when it passed through my local high street. 20 minutes of waiting then the whole peloton come past in seconds – fun to see once but I’m not going to become an avid cycle race spectator.

September brought 2 assessment in my sign language class – in one we had to have a conversation with a classmate, including interruption and questions and in the other we watched 2 videos of a signed story and then answered question about one and wrote a summary of the other (I passed both assessments). Class is now finished for the year and I haven’t decided if I’ll continue to level 3 next year.
September was a month of visitors. My Aunt was in town for a look see and my cousin delivered her daughter to university (who is enjoying her studies and busy social life in halls). A friend from NZ passed through town long enough for a good chat and catch up (and rugby discussion with her husband). And I spent a lovely afternoon with blogfriend Sandie who had been at a workshop nearby – and of course the camera timers were used to record the (windswept) meeting.

And I went on a trip to Liverpool with my sister and parents. Mum wanted to see the Jackson Pollock exhibition (abstract paint squiggles) and we visited the Gormley display of statues on the beach (photos shared on Monday).
September was another good reading month – all on my kindle this month
An interesting and exciting dystopian future Britain where robots are fighting humans for dominance – the beginning in Edinburgh was scarily accurate in details of the city. A good read if dystopian thrillers are your thing – Barricade by Jon Wallace
A happier imagined world, set in USA, follows the norms of a fantasy quest story set in modern USA, with a Googler as the wizard and lots of clever use of tech to solve the central puzzle –good fun and an easy read if you like this genre - Mr Penumbra's 24 hour Book Store by Robin Sloan
A different kind of imagined reality, where the lives of a couple are followed in 3 alternative versions all based around what happened at a chance meeting. an interesting idea and well developed once I learnt the basic premise of each version. The Versions of Us by Laura Barnett
And finally The Hummingbird by Kati Hiekkapelto - a Finnish police drama ( a nice change from the Swedish ones) – good characters and a compelling mystery.
September was definitely a change in season – although I was appalled to see Christmas decorations appear in some shops already. Out and about lots of lovely autumn colours appearing and wonderful reflection on the water with the lower light