
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

zoom in on hidden treasure

admiring the lush leaves on the raspberry and strawberry plants in my garden I almost missed the hidden treasure - some ripe strawberries (delicious).  Now I know, I'm carefully checking under the leaves for more red.

This is week 26 so half way through the year - can hardly believe it.  I know there will be more treasures shared by you all this week - thank you all for participating.


Sian said...

Well spotted...just in time for Wimbledon

Karen said...

We've been eating local strawberries for a week now. It's a short season here, so I'm opting to have strawberry shortcake frequently. Lucky you, to have your own plants!

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

Oh yum! The birds get all our berries. I need to get the boys over to a u-pick farm.

Anonymous said...

I can see why you could miss these....very lush greenery!

Prairie Jill said...

Oh, yes, treasure indeed! Great ZIZO pair.

Maria Ontiveros said...

I like the hidden aspect of you zoom in pix this week.

This West London Life said...

Such a lovely find!

Miriam said...

Well spotted indeed! I do have a few in a hanging basket but they look prettier than they taste! I'll have to stick to the supermarket for a while...

Jimjams said...

Yum ... a few of our raspberries have ripened while we've been away - I'll be grabbing them before the birds spot them!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, they look lucious. Just got some at the farmers market yesterday and can't wait to have them with my breakfast.