
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Zoom in at the garden centre

After yummy scones and coffee out to the plant area and so much choice

Sweetpeas and tomatoe plants were on my list - summer treats to admire and pick.  Also tempted by rosemary - I always brush the plants in gardens I walk by so should really have my own too.

Week 19 already and the variety of ways you are all using this meme continues to make me smile


Anonymous said...

Week 19 already? I must go back and bring mine up to date. It seems they're the only pictures I've taken since we got back. I love going to garden centres. We'll be doing that in a couple of weeks - it's sort of an unwritten rule here to not plant before the 24th (frost date).

Jimjams said...

EEEK I've missed a week - or at least not posted last weeks - argh! Off to find the photos.

We need to do some planting too - our veg plot is sadly empty this year

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

My photos this week are nature related too. I need to find anew patch for my sage & rosemary plants.

Karen said...

I was glad to have you tell me what week it was, and finally got my folders organized! I can't wait to hit the garden center here. Just another couple of weeks and it will be safe to do some planting.

Sian said...

The fresh greens really shine in that second picture. Sweet pea are my favourite flower

This West London Life said...

I was at the garden centre yesterday and bought Pinks, although I did consider raspberries. I love Sweet Peas.

alexa said...

Mmm, aromatic even at this distance - I do love scented plants. You are reminding me to plant my sweetpea seeds ...

Cheri said...

Hoping to do some planting for Mother's Day! :)

Alison said...

I have planted sweet peas I for the first time here...and they are coming along very nicely!!
Alison xx

Prairie Jill said...

I love seeing all that green! Great ZIZO shots.

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous...our plant shops haven't even opened yet(at least my usual haunts!)

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

I always leave the nursery with more than what was on my list. This last time I came away with geraniums (on the list), two white lilac bushes, a snowball bush and a Lemon Verbena - just because it smells so good - and makes wonderful shortbread cookies.

Maria Ontiveros said...

I featured flowers this week too!

Melissa said...

So many garden photos & spring flowers this week - hoping to get some photos for ZIZO posted later today! :)

Missus Wookie said...

I'm avoiding the garden centre until I've planned a bit more of the new garden. But sweet peas will definitely be in there as will tomatoes and pinks :)