
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Zoom in on the giraffes

I go past these sculptures every time I go into town on the bus and the other day I suddenly saw them and thought 'why have I never used them for a post?'

as you can see, they are life size and made from items of scrap metal.

Making me think about what other lovely sights I see so often that I no longer notice as worthy of photographing.

lovely to see so many of you still joining me in a weekly zoom in and out.


Alison said...

These are fab Helena...I love sculptures/statues like these!...I have my pics taken and will post later today!
Alison xx

Miriam said...

These are wonderful Helena and I love city sculptures too.

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Love love love the giraffes. Every now and then I try to approach my everyday sights and events from a different perspective, just to see what I might have been missing.

Cheri said...

these are really cool!

Jimjams said...

These are wonderful! I often drive past interesting sculptures and wish I could make the time to stop, park up safely, go back and admire (and photograph). Nothing particularly spectacular locally though!

Sian said...

They're fantastic! maybe I'll spot them next time I'm in the vicinity

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

Really neat looking sculptures!

This West London Life said...

I love them! Super cool.

Prairie Jill said...

Great sculptures! I'm really enjoying seeing all the glimpses of your city. (And I know what you mean about failing to notice things that you see every day!)

Sandie said...

Sometimes things are right under our nose and we don't see them! Glad these caught your attention though, I love sculptures and these are lovely.

Karen said...

What a good subject for ZIZO! It's interesting how we can just take something like this for granted most days without considering how really cool they are.

marsha said...


alexa said...

They are indeed wonderful - I do love giraffes at the best of times. You are making me think about what I pass every day which might be of interest to others :).

Melissa said...

Great sculptures & perfect for zoom in/zoom out! I haven't joined in lately as it's been a busy month, but I'm enjoying seeing lots of ZIZO photos around the web.

Anonymous said...

How neat are they! You've got me wondering what I "see" everyday yet miss.