For Texture Tuesday this week Kim’s challenge was ‘3’ – however we wanted to interpret that.
I started by looking at photos that I took 3 years ago when I was still living in Wellington, New Zealand. So some different photos – but similar themes to what I take now. I chose 3 to texturise.

A fantastic game of rugby – The New Zealand All Blacks beat the Irish team 21-11 in a lively game (I looked it up – my memory for details is not that geeky!).
It was cold and wet and the photo is taken from a distance under lots of strong lights. The texture lightened the grass and makes the players stand out more. Texture is luminous on soft light blending mode.

My coffee by the beach habit started in Wellington so this is a happy memory even though it was cold enough to be wearing boots.
Again the texture lightened and added contrast – luminous texture on soft light blending mode. Then I added the overaly as a nice placeholder for the caption – the font is Universal Fruitcake

And this is the beach that I photographed a lot in Wellington – those buildings are part of the airport (it has water at both ends of the runway).
I wanted to create an old postcard look with the texture. I was having trouble finding a blending mode that I liked on the water, the land and the sky but nothing was working on all 3 bits. So I used a different blending mode of different parts of the photo and erased the parts that I did not want then layered them together. I like this approach and will use it again. I used luminous texture again and the blending modes are – colour dodge on the sky, colour burn on the water and hard light on the land. The font is Lemon Chicken and I added a thin stroke layer style to give the outline.
To see how others interpreted 3 with their texturising head over to Kim’s blog.
If you are frustrated with texturising or any other part of using PhotoShop Elements, and you think an hour of one on one help would suit you then check out my one on one tutorials.