
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Zoom out on the squares

my cold is on the mend but the upside is that I have made good progress on crocheting squares to send to the Knit a Square charity who makes up blankets for children in need in South Africa.  I'm aiming to have made 35 by the end of this month - enough for one blanket

I found some ends of fluffy wool in my stash and decided to use it to add one row of texture.

enjoying all the seasonal sights being shared by you all in your zoom pairings


Sian said...

I really like that fluffy row - I can just imagine some small fingers finding that a comfort

Maggie said...

What a lot of lovely colours and I love the fluffy row.

Missus Wookie said...

Oh what a lovely set of squares - I like the fluffy row too. I'll send that link to Princess, she's getting back into knitting now it is colder. She took a lot of scrappy/end bits from the Pink Scarf for Peace workshop.

Anonymous said...

So nice of you to be doing this!
I love the variety of colours and textures in this blanket...the blanket will be much appreciated by the child who receives it.

This West London Life said...

A gorgeous set of rainbow colours! And such a worthwhile project.

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Beautiful colors and textures - this is sure keep some sweet child so warm.

Prairie Jill said...

Oh, how beautiful! I love the bright colours (especially since I'm looking out the window at snow flurries!)

Karen said...

Like everyone else, I'm taken with the beautiful colors!

Miriam said...

I absolutely love that pink & blue together and yes the fluffy bit adds a nice texture..

Anonymous said...

Love how that fluffy yarn adds more texture!