6 weeks of Summer of Colour and then its over for another year, except this year Rinda suggested an encore and chose

and so I had fun playing with words to paint a picture for another week.
My first thought was sunset but then the phrase ‘its a new day’ came into my mind and I thought sunrise.
I was interested in the idea of sunrise as a time marker

I liked this but also wanted to try something with fewer words

again I liked it but wanted a more defined horizon

I liked this one too but decided to try a less flat look

and I liked this one as well but thought I could marry the textures background with the mass or words I used in the first one

I really enjoyed the process of creating several variants on my original idea over several days. With digital creation it is all too easy to keep tinkering with one image but in this process I started again each time and did not save the layered details of each – when it was at a point that I was happy I flattened and saved so that I could not go back to tinker.
Thanks to Rinda for prompting the encore and looking forward to seeing what others do with these colours.