Rinda suggested a halftime link up for photo scavenger hunters. I’m enjoying seeing the different images people have for each item as well as hunting for my own items.
When I first saw the list there were 3 that I thought would be hardest because I don’t know where to find them and have to rely on keeping my eyes open and camera to hand.
#8 a person dresses as an angel or a statue of an angel. Angels are not seen on gravestones and churches around here – I’m thinking because of the Calvinistic church history of Scotland and its preference for plain and practical.
#16 a bride. I need to start hanging out near wedding venues on a Saturday
# 20 a swing hanging from a tree (or a hammock). Even during a sunny summer I wouldn’t expect to see these around town.
Rinda nicely offered the chance to substitute an item this year with a photo of a heart shaped stone or a four leaved clover. Earlier this month I spent a walk along the beach studying the stones instead of the view and did find a heart shaped stone

I think I’ll use it for #20.
Which leaves me struggling for a bride and an angel – and I don’t think I’ll get away with rearranging the letters!