
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Snap some lobster

On a nice sunny day we drove along the coast to one of the small fishing ports which catches a lot of lobster and enjoyed very tasty lobster and chips while sitting on the side of the harbour looking at lobster pots.  Afterwards we had a look at the information shed for the new lobster hatchery which is working with the lobster fishermen to grow on the eggs from caught lobster and then release them to ensure a sustainable lobster population in local waters - they had a lobster in a tank.  The dramatic change in colour from live to cooked always amazes me.

 I enjoyed all your sets last week and am always interested to see patterns that emerge

snap with snaps in a visual set - love to see what has caught your eye this week

1. Eileen  4. Mary-Lou  7. Fiona  
2. Maggie  5. marsha  8. Missus Wookie  
3. Karen  6. Ruth  

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Monday, June 27, 2016

Memorandum Monday

Waving to you all as I watch the clouds and hope the wind will blow them all away soon - looking at the weather forecst I think this week will be one of dashing out to do things whenever there is a clear patch and hoping to be done before the next rain shower.

My new thing for the weekend was making these

these will be going to Bath for an installation in late summer to raise money for the Red Cross European Refugee Crisis appeal - you can find out more here.  I'm pleased to have a good use for bits of pink and purple yarn in my stash and they are easy to make while talking or watching TV.

Hoping you all have a good week

Friday, June 24, 2016

6 words Happy

so last week I accidently posted this week's word so this week I'm doing last week's - happy.  Hope that is clear (oh dear venturing into next week's word which is hope!)

joining in with Miriam's lovely weekly challenge

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Snap in the Highlands

I find the Highlands' scenary dramatic and beautiful although I know some think it is bleak.  I like the bold shapes and few signs of habitation.  For my snap set I chose 4 scenic views taken on different walks

I like how there are layers beyond layers with the different hills and I think the clouds add to the dramatic effect.

The first is from a walk alongside a river which is fed entirely by a spring which seeps up through the limestone - the walk ends at a set of caves but I stopped about half way and enjoyed a sunny spot while others continued up to the caves

The second was another walk along a valley on a path that was used in the past as the main route out of the valley to the water and boats

The third is looking down towards a bridge over a deep gorge - we walked down there and over the bridge - my photos of the view from the bridge are not fabulous as I was holding on tight to the bridge railing at all times so had to operate my camera one handed

The last shows a rainbow - luckily we got home before the rain that caused it reached us

I think I caught up with all your snap sets from last week but if I missed any add them to the linky this week as well as your set for this week

snap with snaps in a visual set - love to see what has caught your eye this week

1. Ruth  4. Maggie  7. Miriam  
2. Mary-Lou  5. Karen  8. rinda  
3. Eileen  6. marsha  9. Melissa Gross  

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Monday, June 20, 2016

Memorandum Monday back home

Big wave to all the Monday wavers.  I'm back from my holiday in a cottage in Ullapool which is on the West Coast of Scotland in the Highlands.  I was there with my parents, uncle, sister and her partner in a holiday cottage

the conservatory you can see on the side was where we spent most of the time when we were in the house - fabulous views out over the water and sunsets and making the most of the sunshine without being bothered by midges or wind.

We enjoyed several walks - I'm featuring them in my snap set on Wednesday and a boat trip to the small islands just off shore

we saw seals from the boat and various birds.  On our walks and driving at dusk we saw some deer.  On the first morning I saw a pine martin on the grass outside the house - we knew there were some around - so that evening I put some peanut butter on the rocks in the hope of seeing it again.  However the peanut butter only attracted a big slug and some seagulls - which carefully picked at the peanut butter around the slug!

the fabulous light show in the evening continued with a different pattern of the sun on the clouds and water each evening - this is from the last evening

and a new thing?  that would be the wonderful crafted items I came home with.  We were very impressed with the number and quality of the local artists and craft people and went to two small craft markets, one fabulous craft shop stocking only local makers and drove up a very steep windy hill to visit the makers of these lovely pieces in their studio

a lovely couple - she does the painting and he makes pewter jewellery pieces and amazing large clay models of animals.

Off to finish the last of my catch-up on laundry and bills - wishing you all a good week

Friday, June 17, 2016

6 words story Heart

Joining  Miriam's lovely  meme

Scavenger  hunting - searching for  a  HEART

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Snap enjoying the light

I've  chosen light  on the  water  as my theme to choose  4  from  all my  holiday  photos so far.  All  taken from  our  holiday  cottage - a different  light  show  each  night


Looking  forward  to  seeing  all  your  snap  sets  when  I'm back  from  holiday. Hope  the link  up  works - if it  doesn't  I won't  be  able  to  remedy  it till  I'm  back 

snap with snaps in a visual set - love to see what has caught your eye this week

1. marsha  2. Maggie  

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Monday, June 13, 2016

Memorandum Monday in the Highlands

Big wave  to  everyone.

My new  thing  this  weekend  is  this view  which  I  get  to  enjoy  for  a  week  from  a lovely  holiday  cottage on the  west  coast  of  the  Scottish Highlands.

Sorry  I won't  be  round  to visit  all  your  weekend  news  until  I'm  home  again. Wishing  you  all  a good  week.

Friday, June 10, 2016

6 words - word

joining Miriam's lovely meme challenge for a photo with 6 words (I'm cheekily claiming this as 6) this week the theme is 'word'

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Snap animal statues on holiday

On my first evening in Budapest I saw the statue of the girl and dog out of the window of the tram and thought it would be nice if I could find a snap set of animal statues - and there were plenty.

I don't know the story of any of them.  All I know is that the horses are part of a very triumphal arch that reminded me of the statues in Vienna, the ram head was part of a heraldic piece near the Presidential residence, the dog and girl are beside the river and the rabbit is in a nice quiet park near a University and lots of cafes.

snap with snaps in a visual set - love to see what has caught your eye this week

1. Maggie  4. Ruth  7. Lady Ella  
2. Missus Wookie  5. Karen  8. rinda  
3. Mary-Lou  6. marsha  9. Miriam  

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Monday, June 6, 2016

Memorandum Monday with decision overload

Popped in from enjoying the sun and doing some weeding to wave to you all.

A lovely sunny weekend, especially when I could find somewhere out of the breeze.  Even warm enough for a chair in the garden for lunch today.

In between soaking up my vitamin D this weekend  I've been researching phones.  My current contract is nearly up so time for an upgrade but so many choices to make.  I decided at the start to stay with the same network provider and make of phone but there were still lots of options. 

Looking online there seemed way too many options for the phone so I went into the shop to ask them to explain the differences and after discussing what I used my phone for (rarely as an actual phone) I decided to go for the very newest version of the top of the mid-range - Samsung Galaxy A5 2016 (feels like I've learnt a new language!).  I've been promised a fingerprint login and a good camera, amongst other things.

But more decisions remained - which package - and that brought back memories of sitting in maths class - which is better £23.99 a month plus £60 upfront or £20.99 a month with £119.99 upfront or buy the hardware outright and pay a sim only rate? 

After lots of calculations and a spreadsheet I'd made my choice and headed out to the shop.

Only to discover they had technical problems and could not use their normal system for the whole process.  I ended up having to go round the corner to the bank to withdraw money as they could not process a card payment! 

Finally it was all done and I came home with

no I don't have a new invisible phone!  The nice man in the shop explained that the model I wanted is so new and popular that they don't have any stock in the shops !!!!  I hope that does not mean their stock cupboard is full of the unpopular models.  I just have the new sim card and protective cover.

According to the package tracking app my phone has now left the Edinburgh depot and it enjoying a scenic trip around town before coming to me early evening.  Then I have to make more decisions - like which 5 digits to set up for fingerprint recognition and how to arrange my home page.

Wishing you all a good week with not too many decisions

Friday, June 3, 2016

6 word grow

joining Miriam's lovely meme - a story using 1 photo and six words, including the word of the week - this week grow

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Snap friendly animals

Last Thursday we went on a birthday family outing to a local safari park - after being let out of the cage (photo on Friday) we saw plenty of animals - my problem was choosing which to include in my snap set so I looked for a theme and chose these images of friendliness

The lemurs are in a walk through enclosure - with frequent notices saying 'do not touch the lemurs' but it seems no one told the lemurs not to touch us.  This one walked along the top of the fence towards me and had a sniff then stood up to sniff my hands - I was still carefully not touching it - then it licked both of my hands.  Then it sat back down and sniffed my pocket and clearly smelt something it liked as it put its head right into my pocket!

June already and the snap sets still going strong - I'm enjoying seeing some recurrent themes as well as new ideas for visual sets.

snap with snaps in a visual set - love to see what has caught your eye this week

1. Mary-Lou  4. Miriam  7. Melissa Gross  
2. Eileen  5. Karen  8. Ruth  
3. marsha  6. Maggie  9. Missus Wookie  

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