
Friday, October 3, 2014

September summed up

season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, as the poetic (in this case Keats) would say of autumn and September was indeed foggy with plenty of produce to harvest. 

We had fog for 10 days in a row which really makes you double-take on a familiar view until you work out what the fog has obscured.


I picked and enjoyed 9 apples from the tree in my garden and left 2 with the insects that had taken up residence; I received enough plums from my Dad’s trees to make 4 jars of chutney (with Shanghai seasoning mix) and eat plenty too; I picked enough brambles for 1 tasty cobbler.

I filled my garden waste bin twice with the end of summer tidy of the garden and pruning the raspberry canes and planted 5 hyacinth and 12 gladioli bulbs for even more colour next spring.

I spent 5 hours with 4 of my charity crafting group (and 2 of their husbands) at a village fair selling items that we had made.  I sold 32 of my pocket friends and enjoyed seeing lots of big smiles when people spotted the different characters.


I crocheted 1 rust coloured hat for me, using 1 ball of wool and my biggest (7 mm) hook - ready for when the temperatures drop – it has been warm but there are chill edges to the day.

I also crocheted 12 blanket squares to be sent off to charities, each in 2 bright colours which meant I got to play with lots of lovely colour combinations as I measured out the lengths needed for each (30 arm lengths). 


I joined 3,623,343 other people in going to the polling place to vote in the referendum on independence for Scotland then stayed up until 2.30am watching results then slept for 3 hours before getting up to watch the end of the results.


I read 7 novels, 5 of which were from the police crime solving genre (Tanya French, Karen Rose and Craig Russell are all excellent if you are into this genre).  The other 2 followed a woman across the Sahara and young gamers taking on exploitative bosses. 

Joining Julie for her monthly provision of a safe place to revel in counting things


  1. The stall looks wonderful: very enticing! and the blanket colours look full of good cheer.

    That's a lot of fog. We got lost in the fog in your neck of the woods once. It's murky stuff..

  2. That all adds up to a lot of fun!!! I should try it some time - but I keep forgetting.

  3. Great post Helena...
    we have started to see some foggy mornings but luckily not as many as you.
    A new hat sounds a good idea, we've noticed a nip in the air lately and well done for all the blanket squares and stall sales. It sounds a very worth while effort.

  4. I know just what you mean about the fog. We had plenty of misty mornings in September and the first thing to vanish is the hills that usually take up so much of our skyline. My brain always finds it tricky to accept that they're still there - somewhere - behind all the white space. It's like they've been Photoshopped out!

    It's good to hear you've had some good crops this year - our tomatoes have been pitiful this time round. [Definitely not worth me keeping track of their statistics!]

    It must have been nice to see all your hard, colourful, work being appreciated at the fair - I imagine the day was an experience in itself too.

    Thanks for keeping me company with your stitches and your chutneys this month Helena - you're on the board with the other moment-counters here

    Happy October!

    Julie :-)

  5. Home made chutney sounds wonderful, I should try making it sometime!
