
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

zoom in by the river

A lovely relaxed walk by the river on a sunny autumn afternoon when drama unfolded as walkers noticed a dog walking around on the stones in the river searching for someone - one dogwalker tried to coax it over with treats - after some discussion another rang the local animal welfare people

who arrived after 15 minutes and eventually captured the dog (after a chase involving 4 people and 2 dogs) and took it off to the shelter - and the tranquil afternoon returned (until the geese started honking to gather a gaggle for a practice flight)

week 40 already - anticipating an autumnal from some this week


  1. Week 40? That's amazing! I hope that dog was alright..

  2. Poor pooch, do hope he was only lost temporarily.

  3. Another great ZIZO post! Hard to believe it's 40 weeks already!

  4. It does seem amazing that it's Week 40 already! The pooch looks pretty healthy, so I hope his/her family found him/her.

  5. Hoping the poor dog and his or her lost owner have been reunited ... A lovely pairing - hard to believe it's October!

  6. Lovely autumn colours. Hope the dog found what it was looking for.

  7. EEEK - I am so behind! Just got my own Week 40 up!

    Hope that there was a happy ending to the story and the dog was reunited with its owners.

  8. Oh my week 40! I do hope all worked out for the puppy.
