
Monday, October 6, 2014

me on Monday

a grey weekend – but seasonally correct


it was a monthly organic market visiting; German bakery enjoying; news of new neighbourhood artisan bakery rejoicing; ivy trimming; flat white (coffee) sipping; rain dodging; alien encounter reading (Ken McLeod); Strictly Come Dancing watching kind of weekend

waving to Sian for this lovely meme to start the week and hoping you all have a good week even if your weather is grey (as is forecast for the coming week here)


  1. Now that is grey - that's what I call headache weather :( I hope it gets a bit better for you.

    There's something very satisfying about trimming ivy. I like the look of it, but I like the way it comes away quite easily when you pull it too.

    Have a good week

  2. It was a very sunny weekend here (we spent lots of time out on the patio!), but a little much-needed rain overnight was nice, too. Have a great week!

  3. We have an area of our garden where ivy tries to take over, it's amazing how far its roots can travel!

  4. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! Well, except maybe for the grey skies bit. Hope things clear up a bit!

  5. Grey skies arrived here on Sunday too - I think summer is over now. This is my second season of watching Strictly, something nice to watch as the evenings draw in.
