
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

zoom in on the spooky

Halloween related aisles are appearing in lots of my local big shops - plenty of dressing up items and ghoulish decor

what really surprises me is the number of specially themed confectionery items on sale - I'm amazed that the market is big enough for so many of the manufacturers to create special shapes and packaging for Halloween - scream eggs was too good a name to miss out but everyone seems to be joining in now.

looking forward to the range of topics you will share this week


  1. I hovered over the Halloween items in Tescos considering whether to blog them. I too was amazed at the variety. I have to confess to buying some of those Randoms though!

  2. I'll probably buy some Randoms too. I'll have them eaten before the trick or treaters appear too

  3. I am constantly surprised by just how big Halloween has become in the UK. The Boy Child is going to a Halloween party, so I may send along a few bags of sweets, but I admit that it's not something that fills me with enthusiasm!

  4. have such neat candy over in England that we can't get here.
    We have already eaten a bag of chocolate bars and most of a bag of rockets...we knew they wouldn't make it to Halloween!!

  5. It does amaze me at how much is out there for Halloween. When I was a kid there was candy corn and that was about it -and I loved candy corn - still do. I like to keep little bowls of it around the house for Halloween nibbling.

  6. What a yummy ZIZO! Lots of candy available here, too. So much temptation!

  7. I've not gone into a grocery shop to see such things but might be tempted. I love Reese Peanut Butter pumpkins.... wonder if they'll make it over the pond?

  8. The amount of Halloween candy sold here is absolutely amazing to me. I try to avoid buying any except what we need for the trick or treaters.

  9. Halloween is becoming too big over here if you ask me ... is there a Halloween equivalent of Scrooge? If so, I'm it! Mind you the fact that Tescos already has a Christmas aisle is making me cross too!
