
Friday, September 5, 2014

August algorithms

As another month starts I’m putting on my numerical glasses and joining Julie to look back on the numbers of August

For the first 6 days of the month I was still in the Commonwealth Games village – it seems such a long time ago now, much more than a month ago.


As soon as I was finished there I was into all the bustle and theatricality of the Edinburgh Fringe.  I saw 20 shows (from the over 3 000 on offer) with 5 on one day.  The lowest score I gave was 3/5 for a version of Macbeth infused with Scottish dancing which I knew could be dodgy when I booked but just couldn’t resist. I saw 2 other versions of Macbeth – from the viewpoint of the witches and a 2 minute dash within the longer potted Shakespeare. I gave 9 shows 5/5


I received another 2 postcards in the lovely summer postcard swap organised by Sian – thank you Nicole and Julie


I started level 1 of British Sign Language class with 6 others from the beginners’ class and 7 other people and was pleased at how many signs I could remember

I added faces to 15 hearts and finished the rabbits so that I now have 90 pocket friends and 30 hearts for our craft stall next weekend


I read  books on my kindle including a sci-fi trilogy by Melissa Scott and another story of Nigerian life by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie – I highly recommend her novels. I took 346 photos, including 63 in 4 high speed bursts of the cycle road race which I had to cross 5 times to get from one train station to the other in the middle of Glasgow


Thanks Julie for the invitation to stop and review each month in numbers.


  1. A fascinating set of numbers for this month - so much going on there.

    Thanks for the book recommendation. My parents spent time in Nigeria and I grew up with the stories. Would love to visit some day

  2. It's funny how things that make an impact can suddenly feel like a long time ago! Like your brain's already filed it away as a 'Big Important Thing from the Past'! And yours has certainly been a summer of big communal events.

    I admire your dedication at the festival each year - I'm not sure I could force myself to visit lots of things I didn't know anything about in advance.

    Your August is pinned to the Month in Numbers board with those from all the other documenters-of-digits here:

    Thanks for joining me once again Helena - here's to a happy-and-eventful September ahead!

    Julie :-)

  3. I've enjoyed my whistle-stop tour through your month, Helena - that's a goodly number of photos to process!

  4. Loved seeing your month in numbers (and photos!) And I particularly smiled at your Fringe participation as we're having our own Fringe festival here in Chicago. Ours lasts over the course of two weekends - (Thursdays through Sundays) and we only have a total of 50 shows, but it's been fabulous fun.

  5. Interesting numbers, which Melissa Scott trilogy did you read?

  6. What did you think of the Melissa Scott? I'm always looking for new (to me) authors.

  7. Wonderful photos and wonderful numbers! In fact, sounds like a wonderful month!
