
Monday, September 8, 2014

enjoying a riot of colour

every month Sandie invites us to take lots of photos in 5 minutes and then share the best 5 and this month I thought that the fabulous riot of colour that I see on my daily walk would be a good subject


along by the river the flower beds are full of ‘meadow flowers’ a lovely mix of colourful flowers.  I love that the mix varies so that some bits are very orange and some are more pink


I love the detail of individual flowers


I love that the whole bed still looks bright and colourful even though many of the individual flowers are not at their best  and many are just seed heads now


I love that the flowers are clearly a great source of food for insects


with brown leaves on the ground and a decided nip in the air I’m enjoying this riot of summer colour – thanks Sandie for the prompt to capture it digitally


  1. What a beautifully planted meadow! I have rarely seen one so floriferous - lovely photos.

  2. And I love that you have shared this Helena!! Wild flowers are a true delight and so rarely seen sadly. You have put a big smile on my face this morning and your colourful images will stay with me as I go about my day. Thank you x

  3. This is just beautiful! What a riot of color you still have there.

  4. What a fabulous set of pictures. You just don't seem to see this wild flower meadow these days. I really love the Californian poppies.

  5. Oh, how beautiful! I love wildflowers, and how wonderful to be able to see them on your daily walk!

  6. gorgeous wildflowers!!It would be so nice to be able to visit this spot every day...oops this comment is almost the same as Jill's!!!
