
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Zoom out on the promenade

Alongside the nearby beach is a carless paved promenade which is great for walks, kids, dogs and bikes.  It is also a great venue for events and last weekend was the busking festival where buskers are invited to come along and do their thing in one of the many chalked circles all along the promenade.  We went to have a look and listen - each armed with 3 50p pieces to reward our favourite artists

Buskers ranged from experienced groups with CDs and web pages to school kids showing off their new musical skills.  Sometimes it was hard to hear one busker because of the proximity of other buskers - particularly those near to drums, bagpipes or the well amped.  We did wonder how satisfying it is for the buskers when the sound overlaps and people tend to wander slowly rather than stop and listen.  Having some coins to distribute was a good plan as we contemplated which were the most deserving and if any merited 2 coins.

Looking forward to seeing what you have focused on this week


  1. Great pictures and a great story too. I can almost feel that 50p in my hands it's conjured up so well for me

  2. Looks like a chilly day.
    I would think that a bagpipe busker would easily drown out everyone else!

  3. I love that promenade - wish I could go for a stroll. And what a fun event with all the buskers!

  4. What a great idea to give buskers a platform, so as to speak. How good of you to go well-prepared :).

  5. Sounds like a loud but interesting walk!

  6. I love this! I can just imagine the cacophony of sound!
    Great ZIZO Helena.

  7. Squeezing in under the wire again :-)
