As another month starts I’m putting on my numerical glasses and joining Julie to look back on the numbers of August
For the first 6 days of the month I was still in the Commonwealth Games village – it seems such a long time ago now, much more than a month ago.

As soon as I was finished there I was into all the bustle and theatricality of the Edinburgh Fringe. I saw 20 shows (from the over 3 000 on offer) with 5 on one day. The lowest score I gave was 3/5 for a version of Macbeth infused with Scottish dancing which I knew could be dodgy when I booked but just couldn’t resist. I saw 2 other versions of Macbeth – from the viewpoint of the witches and a 2 minute dash within the longer potted Shakespeare. I gave 9 shows 5/5

I received another 2 postcards in the lovely summer postcard swap organised by Sian – thank you Nicole and Julie

I started level 1 of British Sign Language class with 6 others from the beginners’ class and 7 other people and was pleased at how many signs I could remember
I added faces to 15 hearts and finished the rabbits so that I now have 90 pocket friends and 30 hearts for our craft stall next weekend

I read books on my kindle including a sci-fi trilogy by Melissa Scott and another story of Nigerian life by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie – I highly recommend her novels. I took 346 photos, including 63 in 4 high speed bursts of the cycle road race which I had to cross 5 times to get from one train station to the other in the middle of Glasgow

Thanks Julie for the invitation to stop and review each month in numbers.