
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

zoom in on the apples

on Saturday I went along to the local Community Orchard Apple Day - a celebration of all things apple -

there was an apple press to make juice, pressed juice for sale, bobbing for apples, pick your own crab apples (the zoomed in photo) and my Dad was in charge of the apple tasting table with samples of different apples from the orchard and committee members' gardens. Kids were also enjoying running around, watching the bonfire, the cakes and climbing the ladder provided for crab apple picking.

The orchard is on a sloping field with a stream at the bottom and walls or tall trees all around - that explains the odd angle in the 1st photo.  With low afternoon sun and lots of shade it was hard to get good photos but I do like the rays of sunlight showing in this one.

wondering where else I'll visit through your zoom shares this week


  1. beautiful pictures. You bob for apples too, then? I thought it was an Irish thing. Maybe it's Ulster Scots

  2. Looks like a fun day! And I love the rays of sun in the first photo!

  3. We bob for apples - but I brought that over from the US. Missed the apple day at the local community orchard as I was working. Bonfire and cakes sound like a good edition.

  4. The sun rays look fab and the crab apples are a beautiful colour. Make some good crab apple jelly.

  5. lovely looking apples!

  6. The sun rays are great, and the colors in the close-up are lovely!

  7. I love the apples in the close-up!!!

  8. Wonderful photos. Beautiful color in the crab apples. It looks like a fabulous day. We haven't bobbed for apples in years - what fun.

  9. Great pictures Helena! That sounds neat going to an orchard day. We've got 2 apple trees in our backyard but they got hit with bugs this year so we left them for the squirrels. :)
