
Monday, October 27, 2014

me on Monday with a visitor

pausing on Monday morning to wave to blogland and look back on the weekend before getting on with my week – thanks to Sian


Saturday was windy but not rainy and filled with housework; the Community Orchard Apple Day (more on Wednesday with my zoom pair); chatting to my nephew who is about to set out on an adventure to Mexico; and discovering fabulous light as I headed home.

Sunday was windy and wet and spent inside with my visitor


I’m looking after Connie the cat for a while. All her fluffy fur disguises how thin she is after some digestive problems – she has special food and a daily tablet.  She likes to be in the same room as me and has a lovely loud purr.

Hoping you all have a good week


  1. Looking forward to more about the Apple Day. Connie looks like she has settled in!

  2. I'm looking forward to more about the apple day too. Connie looks like a very comfortable cat to be around, if that makes sense!

    Have a great week

  3. Bet Connie's having a lovely time with you!
    Alison xx

  4. That is, indeed, beautiful light!

  5. Waving back to you, too!

    Looks like a lovely weekend - well, except maybe for the housework part! Speaking of which ... must go and get my laundry out of the dryer!

  6. Connie has beautiful markings - hope she's feeling better soon.

  7. What a gorgeous sunset.
