
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

zoom in on the berries

mid September means time for a free treat from the blackberry bushes growing wild - my Dad found a great spot last year so we went there again.  

 This year a lot of the berries were past their best - perhaps due to all the fog recently - which meant a lot of reaching in through the branches and prickles to reach the nice berries

We managed to each pick enough for a nice dessert - I made cobbler.

Wondering what jewels will be revealed in other zoom in zoom out pairings this week


  1. We didn't get the berries we were hoping for this year. Picking blackberries is out and out my favourite autumn thing to do

  2. Berries were early around here too and ripened very unevenly sadly. We've had fruit crumble several times and a pie.

  3. Have been out picking blackberries and have featured them on my blog!

  4. beautiful sunshine you have! I like looking at berries...but not eating them!

  5. Gorgeous light on the Zoom Out ~ great pairing.

  6. What a beautiful sunny day! Cobbler - YUM!

  7. Our neighbor's black berry bushes were filled with berries almost a month ago now. I wonder if that's typical around here. I haven't paid much attention, but I will next year. Blackberry cobbler sounds very good!

  8. Eeek ... I'm getting behind with my zooming!
    Love these shots - slightly unusual - glad you managed a free pud!
