
Monday, September 22, 2014

the last of the scavenger hunt finds

definitely an autumnal feel around here as another fun summer scavenger hunt reaches the end date.

Each year there are several items that I set aside to find in August when Edinburgh is buzzing with the Fringe festival – this year juggler was an obvious and I was right


amidst all the tourist crowds I also found a painted bus


and a sign in languages other than English


Which left just two items on my list – bakery and sunrise.  I found one of them


As Julie noted, a sunrise should be easy as it happens everyday at a known time and place.  But in high summer that time is 4am here and I’m not sufficiently dedicated to the hunt to get out of bed and walk down to an horizon viewing spot at that time of night.  So I left the sunrise until September when sunrise is around 6.45.  But we have had morning fog daily for the past 10 days so no sunrise to see.

However I did find both of the substitute items



So a full 21 items for me this year and another summer nicely filled with keeping my eyes open for items and making a few trips to capture other items – thank you Rinda.


  1. Great pictures! I'm with you - didn't want to get up that early! Love your juggler ready to go:)

  2. I like that painted bus. TSO has an ambition to do a Ghost Tour some time. Or the Black Museum. She likes gruesome..

  3. That's quite the bus. I finally found a painted one, but nothing as elaborate as that!

  4. Great interpretations - love the picture of the juggler - he is ready!

  5. Well done on completing the list. I love the birdhouse complete with a bird! brilliant.

  6. Congratulations on finishing the hunt! (6:45 still sounds way too early to get up to me!)

  7. I like that juggler - and I left the sunrise until September for that reason too!

  8. I got my juggler at the Fringe Festival in my city too!
    That is one scary-looking bus.....

  9. Well done - found the juggler - glad we didn't see him juggling swords - might be a tad scary!
    Margaret #18

  10. i love your juggler. I kept meaning to go down to Pier 39 where there are lots of street performers but never made it there all summer! Thanks for participating, and I expect you take a sunrise picture sometime. It is a nice experience to have.

  11. Great photos, especially the bus. Congratulations on finishing the hunt.

  12. I loved the bus too but I also admire your juggler as so few of us found one! :) Congratulations on finishing up!
    Nathalie #22

  13. That bakery looks delicious and inviting, maybe just 1 little cake would be find for supper?

  14. The bus is simply awesome! Great shot of the juggler.

  15. Has to be one of the best jugglers ... why wasn't he performing when I was in Edinburgh!!!

  16. Such a smart idea to overlay your comments on the photos! Awesome
