
Monday, May 19, 2014

lets see the shoes

Last month I shared a picture of my new lime shoes and was pleased to discover that many of you lovely blog visitors also enjoy wearing colourful shoes.  I was pleased but a little surprised.  So then I was wondering why this surprised me because I know that most of you are crafty and enjoy colour.  Then I realised that I was surprised because this was something I did not know about my blog friends when I have read so many other details of life through blog posts over the years. 

So I’m issuing an invite (or challenge) to share your footwear in a post.

You could record the range of shoes you are currently wearing as I did in this photo in 2007


or look down to record a ‘we were here’  shot like this one of my sister and nephew in 2008


I was taken with a shoe shot that Rinda posted recently where she captured her feet and the shoes she had just taken off when she got home after work as a candid shot of life right now.

So I decided to capture my pile of shoes in front of my wardrobe (the ones neatly inside the wardrobe are the ones I haven’t worn recently) as a candid shot of like as it is now.  And yes those are the same red crocs from the 2007 photo – they are indestructible


Hoping to see some interesting shoe shots popping up over the coming weeks.


  1. Ah, choices, choices..I did put a picture of my Pilates trainers on that page I made last week and making one page about shoes suggested to me that I needed to do a page about the shoes I wore to my sister's wedding. I've been meaning to do that for ages. So I'll see what I can get round to..

  2. What a great challenge! I'm in.

  3. I love your shoes - but I'm one of the drabs that don't have such pretty shoes. I rarely wear colored shoes - I have a pair of denim slides and two pair of black ones - and a pair of sneakers for walking on the beach - that's it for me.

  4. Now there' s a post to be thinking about! I will have to get my skates on (not literally, of course!). Those bright yellow ones really caught my eye :).

  5. I don't have much of a selection of shoes (have to wear orthotics and they don't fit in many shoes). I see so many I'd love to wear but.... I'll see what I can come up with for a shoe/boot picture - might be interesting as a statement of how things change.

  6. Ah! I was just having a "shoe sort-out" this morning. Winter shoes put away, summer sandals dug out for the "shoe basket" downstairs. I got brave and set aside several pairs I will never wear again, to be sent to the charity shop.
    I have problem feet. They're very narrow - "AA"-"B" and the standard fitting for shoes is a "D". Getting shoes to fit is a bit of a nightmare really. This winter I finally ordered some in my own fitting, from a specialist stockist in Scotland. I finally have a pair of comfortable lacing shoes, that Actually Fit! and also some nice narrow fitting sandals for summer. Some of my old shoes fit well enough for short-term wear though, so I still have a bit of a collection.
    Maybe I should get that camera out...
    Love the bright and colourful selection you have to show us - and the red crocs look well-worn but still cheerful!

  7. Love that circle of shoes ... must get some more colours in with my half dozen pairs of black ... summer shopping here I come!

  8. Oooh. I love this challenge! I've taken lots of shoe pictures. But could always do more.

  9. What a FUN challenge. I've been doing lots of exercise these past few months, so I'm mostly wearing a variety of tennis shoes!

  10. I have to admit I'm not much of a shoe person myself (I like my comfortable old running shoes and that's about it), but I do love seeing what other people wear!
