
Friday, May 16, 2014

come walk with me to see the chicks

Come and walk with me along the river. I’ve been keeping an eye on several nests on the river during my daily walk.  You might remember this goose nest from a zoom in zoom out pairing


Last week I noticed she was no longer on the nest and guessed that her eggs had hatched and earlier this week I saw her with 4 goslings


quite relaxed with them on the grass near people and other birds. I saw them again yesterday on the island in the river


I’ve also been watching two swan nests – the one of the same island as this goose and another


this nest is near where I first saw the goslings and when I glanced over at the nest the swan was standing up and I saw that her eggs had hatched recently and there were cygnets in the nest – you can even see some egg shell in the bottom photo


yesterday I realised just how lucky I was to see the cygnets as she was back sitting on the nest and all the cygnets are hidden beneath her


I love to see the chicks and will be keeping an eye out as more hatch (while still counting the swans – 58 on the river yesterday and a big group out on the firth – too far away to count.


  1. Those chicks are so cute! Great captures.

  2. Absolutely wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing these gorgeous pictures.

  3. So full of Spring hope! a lovely post

  4. I really enjoyed seeing the goslings now they have hatched Helena. How lucky to have the river so close and this wonderful bird life to see every day.
    This is a lovely time of year - I look forward to more photos as they grow.

  5. How wonderful seeing the swan on the nest and the cygnets. I can't believe how the geese are comfortable near humans, around here they'll usually attack if you're anywhere near them.
    It appears typepad is down yet again so I'm using my google account.

  6. I have never seen cygnets in a nest like that altogether so thank you for this! You have clearly been very assiduous and waiting patiently with your camera.

  7. Those goslings are gorgeous, and I love have you manage to capture the every day miracles of nature because you notice things.
