
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Zoom in at the torchlight parade

Welcome 2014 and a very happy new year to you all.

Hogmanay celebrations are big business in Edinburgh but on the 30th the council organises a massive free torchlight parade through town, including 8,000 torches sold for charity. I’d been once before and really enjoyed it and remembered to book torches early this year as they sell out before Christmas. It seemed to be the perfect event for my first pair for my 2014 meme – zoom in, zoom out.


In this case I took the wide shot first and then zoomed in for some detail.

Looking forward to a new perspective on photos for this meme and to seeing how others use it through the year.

I’ve created a blog button, you can  copy the image – I gave up creating the html code on the sidebar after half an hour of trying – will try again next week



  1. It's lovely to see the parade. This year TTO was out celebrating with friends here - but I can't help wondering whether next year's student flat will mean he'll be out watching that parade instead

  2. Fab ZIZO - I missed the boat on LULD but I think I'll try this one this year as I can be in at the beginning.

    Happy New Year xx

  3. A great pair to start the new year - I had never seen this type of parade before. Are those actual torches with fire? Or just what we call "flashlights" here?
    I'm off to put the image in my side bar. I've already had lots of comments about people wanting to join in.

  4. I like the idea of zoom in and zoom out and would like to take part x

  5. Oh, ZIZO is going to be wonderful! I love this pair. Great shots, and also really fun to see the traditions in another part of the world. Hope you had fun.

    Best wishes for the new year!

  6. I've discovered you by links from Rinda (above)'s blog. It's dark now, but tomorrow I'm planning to take a 'zoom in/zoom out' photo (love the acronym ZIZO too!). How do I link in?

  7. Perfect pictures to start off the new year and zoom in zoom out. I'm going to try and participate as much as possible this year but I'm thinking sometimes they'll probably be catch up posts. Hoping to get my first ones of the year once it's daylight out.

  8. Great first pair Helena The parade looks fabulous.

  9. Great pair. I love the ZIZO....
    Love the side-by-side presentation too.

  10. A great pair of photos - looks like a fun parade! I've just posted my first Zoom In/Zoom Out photos & plan to participate at least once a month this year, maybe more! :>)

  11. I didn't participate at all last year although I definitely enjoyed others posts. I think I'm ready to give it a go this year and have just sent my first ZIZO post live! Thanks for sponsoring the meme.

  12. I've joined in with your zoom in zoom out over on my blog

  13. Hi Helena, Is there a particular way to link our posts? I'll get your button up this week, once I get to Florida, but I did manage to post my first pair in my quick stop at home between trips. I'm looking forward to these!

  14. Great shots! I love this idea and will have my first attempt up on my blog shortly:

  15. Happy new year Helena! And a great new meme to go with it :-)

  16. Happy New Year! That torch lit parade looks like a fun way to see in the New Year.

    I'm going to try and join in with the ZIZO meme this year too. I so enjoyed seeing everyone's choices for the LULD last year.

  17. Lovel this idea as I want to improve my macro/shallow DoF photography this year.
    My first ZIZO post is here:
    Will this be a weekly/monthly meme?

  18. Wonderfully festive and wishing you a very happy New Year and sorry to be Kate arriving. This looks like a super meme!
