
Friday, January 3, 2014

December in numbers

Time for the monthly chance to indulge in counting strange things in company, thanks to Julie


and as I’ve included the 1st and last item each month I know that I read 66 books – I’ve never kept a count before but guess that would be fairly normal for me.  I took 4 032 photos on my camera, compared to 2 961 the year before – not sure why I took so many more this year, can’t just me all the up and down pairs!

and just for the sheer exuberance of it – my favourite firework photo from the 31st


Thanks to Julie for this fun meme which I intend to continue for 2014


  1. A great look at your December numbers!

  2. So much to enjoy in this post Helena. For a start I just ADORE your definition of MinN as "the monthly chance to indulge in counting strange things in company". So succinct. So true! I've shared it on my Facebook page in the hope it will recruit some more curious-number-curious folk!

    Then you've reminded me to count up the books I read - I haven't worked out a total yet. And ... of course ... the new passport! I guess 2014 holds yet more travel statistics for you.

    And it's a great treat to know you're planning to continue to count along with me this year. It'll be a pleasure to have your company.

    Thanks Helena, you're on the board now:

    Happy New Year to you and yours!

    Julie :-)

  3. Love your numbers, so funny! Shawshank/Dirty Dancing Hmmm.
    Beautiful firework photo.

  4. That is a spectacular fireworks photo! I have such trouble with those.

  5. Spectacular fireworks Helena, Happy New Year!! I must try and take part in this monthly post - I love numbers too. That's a lot of photos you have taken, and books read. I must try keeping a tally myself, you've shown how it could be interesting.

  6. Love reading these lists! Any month that includes photos, parades, mince pies and Doctor Who has to be a good one! (Although I have to confess I was a bit disappointed in the Doctor Who Christmas special. Loved the 50th anniversary show, though.)

  7. Love reading these lists! Any month that includes photos, parades, mince pies and Doctor Who has to be a good one! (Although I have to confess I was a bit disappointed in the Doctor Who Christmas special. Loved the 50th anniversary show, though.)
