
Friday, January 31, 2014

wondering–breadth or depth

I’ve been thinking about learning new things – how many courses and workshops are available and how to choose (I’m signed up for 2 in February that I’ll share mid-month). 

and it got me to thinking about the choice of knowing ‘something about everything or everything about something’.  I’m definitely on the ‘something about everything’ side of the continuum – what about you?


totally unrelated photo but it makes me smile – public sculpture in Dundee – penguins because of the city’s connection with ships that explored Antarctica (OK perhaps there is a link – I like to know something about all kinds of things!)


  1. I've never seen these - aren't they wonderful? Perhaps we can do both? Knowledgeable about one or two things in depth and a smattering of other things?

  2. I think I'm with Alexa here...though I'm sitting here pondering if there actually IS anything I'm knowledgable in?!

    Alison xx

  3. I know a little bit about lots of things, but I'm not an expert on anything. But you know what a librarian will always say - it's not knowing that counts, it's knowing where to find out!

  4. The penguins are adorable! And I have to agree with Alexa and Alison. I've taken classes on a lot of different topics. Some I've left happy with knowing just enough to be dangerous. Others I've delved into much deeper and learned a lot - maybe not enough to be an expert, but certainly enough to be past the novice stage.

  5. Love the photo. I do know a lot, I just can't always remember what I know.(grin)

  6. As a lover of all things penguin related, I love this post!

  7. Oh the penguins are wonderful. I'm on the side of little and lots.

  8. I like knowing a bit about a lot, but this year I want to dig deeper and become more expert in a couple of areas. It's on the agenda.

  9. I like knowing something about everything - I love to know why things are, how they are made, where they originated. I now know more about the penguin statues - and a lovely photo it is too.

  10. I love the statues - they'd make me smile every time I walked past - so thank you for taking the photo!

    Definitely a something about everything, although like Sian I always told my kids their job was to learn where to look to learn something and to learn how to think.

  11. Love the sculpture! I love penguins, and these little guys have such realistic-looking poses. Cute.

    I definitely prefer breadth, too - I like to dabble a bit, try new things. Once in a while I find something I really like (or a teacher I really like) and I'll go a little more in depth.

  12. I'm definitely in the something about everything category - it's one of the reasons I challenge myself to read a variety of books and take classes.

  13. That photograph does make me smile.
    I like to take classes in a variety of areas, so that I keep active in a lot of areas. . . . art journaling, photography, painting, etc.
