
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Up and down–moon and snow

I’ve been delighted to see how the idea of taking a photo looking up and a photo looking down has struck a chord with several others.

I really have been looking up more often on my walks over the past days, seeking out ideas for interesting up photos.


On Monday the new moon was so clear in the cloudless sky just after sunset that I had to capture it.

On Tuesday it started to hail and then snow while I was out for a walk and I liked these pushchair and footprints through the resulting ground cover (it melted an hour later).

Looking forward to seeing what other have captured in tilting the camera up and down.


  1. The moon looks wonderful against that shade of blue!

  2. That moon photograph is fab! just off to post mine
    Alison xx

  3. Your up and down photos are just fabulous. Decided I'm going to join in, too. You're having so much fun looking up and look down that I have to try it.

  4. Oh the moon is so beautiful and the footprints with the pushchair, just lovely. I am hopeful for a morning posting, wordpress is playing tricks on me at the moment!!

  5. That moon is gorgeous! I don't think I've ever taken a decent moon picture.

  6. What a superb idea and that top shot is worthy of a poster or a film!
