
Friday, January 18, 2013

exit or entrance?

When Bonnie suggested ‘exits and/or entrances’ as the PhotoArt Friday theme for this week, I immediately knew which quote I wanted to use – a favourite since my teens when I read the Tom Stoppard play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead  at school. The line is part of a discussion amongst actors but I think it relates to live broadly.

Then I remembered that I had taken several photos of grand doors and gates in Vienna last year.  i was all set for some digital magic.


After trying lots of textures and blend levels I decided to use a different approach for the view through the gate and the rest of the photo.  At that point I was glad I had chosen a square gateway as it was easy to cut the necessary piece from the textures.

The scene through the gateway uses the perfect texture using colour burn blending.  On the outside I used 3 different textures and forgot to record the details.

The quote still resonates and I’m glad this prompt brought it to the front of my memory.  Do you have quotes that you found in your teens that still resonate?

Looking forward to seeing how others interpret entrance and exit.


  1. What a great quote! I love taking pictures of doorways.

  2. I like photos of doors and gates. It reminds me of adventures yet to happen. My quote is from movie star Bette Davis--"Old Age Ain't No Place for Sissies." I remember her saying it when she was still alive and have loved it ever since because it is so true.

  3. Wonderful piece. I like the way the buildings just beyond the gate look so inviting. Great use of the texture and of course a great quote. I'm not familiar with the play you mentioned. May have to check it out.

  4. A great trio of theme, quote and image. Thanks Helena!

  5. I love the text with this wonderful image.

  6. Such a powerful image, a doorway, or a gate: your interpretation is so lovely to look at. I really like the quote too - I will remember this one.

  7. very thoughty quote and I love your image!!

  8. Beautiful image Helena. I am sorry I missed this one. I had something lined up but had uploading problems...Hey Ho.
