
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Look up, look down–week 3

Lovely to see other join in with the look up, look down and fun to see the similarities and differences.


All our snow has melted but still overcast.  I managed to capture some geese in flight for my ‘up’ .  And for my ‘down’ I made use of the puddles for some lovely reflection.

Looking up may well be a good idea this week as it is reportedly the most depressing week of the year in the Northern hemisphere.  If smiling can increase feelings of happiness, perhaps looking up also raises the spirits – worth a try.


  1. Wouldn't it be great if you could get the flying geese's reflection in the puddle? I know, nature doesn't always cooperate. They are lovely photos and I like the frame ou used for them.

  2. Two super shots, Helena! Love the straight line the geese have made, and I'm a sucker for reflection photos :)

  3. Love these - I like how things from the sky are reflected in the down photo and things from the earth appear in your up photo. Makes for lovely symmetry.
    Have you thought about making a blog button for look up//look down? It seems like there are so many joining in that it would be fun!

  4. Love the reelection pic!
    Alison xx

  5. Not only do I love the pictures, I'm liking that frame very much too. It's a very engaging way to present your photos

  6. These are fabulous Helena and yes I like the frame too. I think there is something magical about geese flying in formation.

  7. That's a superb down and up in one, Helena, with that clever reflection! How wonderful to capture the geese - I love to see them fly ...

  8. Love the reflections in the puddle!

  9. Fab contrast - love the funny framing too!
