
Friday, June 8, 2012

black and white photoart

Friday again which means linking up with PhotoArt Friday at Pixel Dust Photo Art.

I like the weekly prompt because it gives me a starting place alongside the blank canvas.  This week the suggested theme is black and white.  I created 2 pieces using different approaches.

First I looked for a photo with strong structure which did not need colour because I thought that would translate well.  I used a photo of a boat that I took on the photo walk at the weekend.


First I used the cutout artistic filter and then I turned it black and white using gradient map filter.


On this one I used the Heartland effect from Pioneer Woman and then removed colour.

I tried some other methods of creating black and white and was interesting in the range of results – some very grey, some with more contrast.  I will definitely be playing with black and white again.

My second approach was to choose a brightly coloured image with good texture – I used a close up of a poppy.


I used gradient map to turn it black and white and added poster edge filter.   I love how the texture stands out. I added a frame of the poppy colour for fun and because it felt right.


  1. Yes, the bouth piece of art works very well. Looks wonderful b/w, and effects too :)

  2. I have always loved black and white photographs. Yours are wonderful!

  3. What great creative editing choice you made here, Helena! That second one looks almost like a stone carving. Just wonderful. (While I know you had your reason for the coral/orange border, I would try a white or black border to really make the piece pop - particularly if you want to print and frame it - which I would!) Thank you for sharing your art with Photo Art Friday.

  4. Lovely images - I love the lines in the first one. Wonderful!

  5. Very interesting pieces. I like all the lines/details of the first one. That close-up of the poppy is amazing, remind me of molten lava for some reason.

  6. That second one is amazing! What a great choice and great work.

  7. I like what you did with the ship. It is great. :)

  8. they are all great renderings and the boat is SO dramatic!

  9. The boat is an especially arresting image. I like it a lot.

  10. I love all the texture and angles of the first particularly. Wonderful processing. Thanks for sharing and visiting me, too. Karen

  11. Great work in editing these photographs.

  12. Great images! I especially love that last one.
