
Friday, August 8, 2014

welcome to the village

the official team welcome seems a good place to start my stories from 3 weeks of volunteering in the Commonwealth Games in the athletes’ village. 

Each team was invited to a welcome ceremony which started with the team (dressed in their finery) parading into the international zone (yes this photo will appear again for the scavenger hunt). My team (Samoa) sang as they walked into our session, which we shared with Jamaica (their famous sprinters were absent), Singapore and Tonga


then we were entertained by the National Youth Theatre with a tale of kites, young love and festivals


Then the village chieftain (a role shared by several retired athletes) welcomed each team with an exchange of gifts (Samoa gave a kava bowl and received a quaich – both vessels used to share festive drink so an appropriate pairing)


and then the national anthem and flag raising for each country (so everyone hears it at least once during the games)


and then time for a few more formal photos


and a group photo on the village green (some athletes missed this as they were at training)

So now you have been welcomed to the village we are ready for more stories on life in the village and at the competition over the coming weeks


  1. Oh, how wonderful! I can't wait to read more of your stories.

  2. I was hoping we'd get a peek at what went on behind the scenes...should have known you wouldn't let us down!
    Alison xx

  3. Good to see some kilts in action :). Your behind the scenes stories are going to be fascinating!

  4. I didn't watch any of the games so it is lovely sharing your own experience, this is much more enjoyable

  5. This must have been so much fun Helena & can't wait to hear more. (I kept looking out for you!)

  6. Brilliant! The anticipation just jumps off your photos together with a great feeling of "togetherness"

  7. What fun to have been a part of all this!
