
Monday, August 4, 2014

Summing up July

this really was a month of 2 halves – 11 days of ‘normal’ and then the rest of the month full on as a volunteer for the Commonwealth Games

In the early part of the month I

* posted 6 postcards for Sian’s postcard pile swap (and I know that 1 of them arrived).  I received 5 fabulous postcards and sent a card to 4 of them (the 5th had no contact details)


* watched all 13 episodes in series 1 of Orange is the New Black, watching 2 a night most nights as I was drawn into the stories and enjoyed the range of characters and excellent acting

* spent 1 day in Dundee to celebrate my nephew’s graduation after 4 years at University


* crocheted 7 blanket squares and 12 pocket bears


And then I took my first of 34  train journeys between home and  Glasgow and the Commonwealth Games village and got to know 6 train stations for the various routes. 


In the village I worked with the 61 athletes and support staff who make up Team Samoa in their 6 houses. I’ll share more about my experience later this month when I’ve finished and had a rest.


I was a spectator 5 times for 8 sports (rugby 7s, weightlifting, discus, long jump, hurdles, wheelchair racing, running, road cycle race)


I also joined over 700 000 people in over 2 000 cinemas around the world to watch 5 retiring comedians in their last show (the live streaming of the final Monty Python show) and laughed lots.

I was so pleased to be able to access my kindle library on my tablet during all those train journeys and read 6 books ranging from Vikings in Scotland to police tracking down murderers in Aberdeen to a women saving orphans in 1940s Burma.

Thanks to Julie for the fabulous meme Month in Numbers which encourages us to look back over the month wearing abacus glasses


  1. This way of documenting the details has worked so well with your games experiences. It really gives a clear picture of the comings, goings and doings! [It was obviously your 'abacus glasses' doing their job! Love it!]

    The pocket bears are sweet - are they just little totems for people to carry?

    Your July is pinned to the Month in Numbers board with those from all the other numerical list-makers now:

    Here's to a happy-August ... and a rest for you after all that volunteering Helena!!

    Julie :-)

  2. I'm glad your postcards have been arriving :)

    We were watching the closing ceremony last night and wondering if we might be able to spot you in the crowd. What an amazing experience it must have been. But I bet you are ready for a rest in August

  3. I'm back because just this minute your postcard has arrived from the Games Village...VERY exciting! Thank you so much. Can't believe I have such a cool Games souvenir now..

  4. What a wonderful month for you Helena, and a brilliant set of numbers. A rest sounds just the ticket! I was looking out for you in the closing ceremony too.

  5. That will be a month to remember, Miriam. You have been busy!

  6. You certainly had a busy month and one that you will never forget. I will look forward to hearing about the Games. Enjoy your rest!

  7. What a great look at your month - sounds like it was a FUN busy month!

  8. Wow! What a busy month. I love the little pocket bears. But 34 train journeys? Oh my! It must have been an amazing experience, though.

  9. Definitely a month to remember. Love that "abacus glasses" comment - it gave me a nice chuckle this morning.
