
Friday, August 15, 2014

enjoying a night of athletics

I’ve never been to a live athletics meet before so was not sure what to expect on our night of athletics at the Commonwealth Games.  The Scottish national football ground had been transformed into an athletics venue for the games, including a raised floor (the football ground is 2 meters below the track which is supported on hundreds of supports).


and given how much it rained I was delighted to discover that all seats are under the roof – although the athletes and officials aren’t – the poor long jump judges were cloaked in rain ponchos but sitting in a puddle and using a soaking wet flag


I took some photos of the action, but I was not equipped as well as the official photographers - lined up here for the discus competition and I think the volunteer is there to warn of incoming missiles if the discus throwers go off course.


I hadn’t realised that there is some form of competition taking place all the time and often 2 events with the jumps and throws taking place while the races are run.  Add in the rituals at the start of each race and then the medal ceremonies, there was plenty to watch all night.

We were sitting near the 2nd bend so had a great view on the longer races (200m and 800m), with runners


and para wheelchairs (1 500m) won by David Weir by several wheelchair lengths (in 3rd place in this photo). I enjoyed seeing para sports incorporated into the event.


We were also well placed for the long jump action (the rain had stopped by the end of the competition)


and we were directly opposite the finishing line (shown by the arrow)  which was great for watching the action (but hard to capture)


we were also opposite the bank of seats for athletes (in lovely colour blocks) and media


and of course all of the winners do a lap so that everyone sees them – you can hear their progress as a cheer follows them around.  Here Nijel Amos who won the 800m, enjoys the cheers with the 3rd place South African – lovely to see how well the athletes get on once the race is over


Have you been to an athletics event?  i will definitely be looking for tickets when international events next come to a venue near me. 


  1. These photos are fantastic. I've never been to an athletics meet and to be honest until the Olympics I would never have chosen to watch even on tv. But after London I got completely hooked. I'd be happy to go now. Weren't those laps of honour great fun? Very uplifting really

  2. No I've never been to an athletic meet though I did go and see the Tour Le France. You have some wonderful photos here Helena, what a grand view you had!

  3. We had the Pan-Am Games in Winnipeg...quite a few years ago...It was great fun just to wander around. We went to the weightlifting events since they were closest to our end of town...

  4. No live events for me either, but we love to watch them on TV. Your photo's are wonderful Helena, so evocative...the last one is fabulous, I love to see them greet each other after the race.
