
Friday, June 6, 2014

May’s maths

a new set of numbers on the calendar heralds another opportunity to look back on the last month while wearing my counting hat (imaginary for now), safe in the knowledge that Julie and others are doing the same.

In May I celebrated 1 birthday by visiting 2 kelpie sculptures, after enjoying a 7 item big breakfast


I went to Glasgow twice in relation to my upcoming volunteer role at the Commonwealth Games – 1st to collect my pass and uniform and then for a 10 hour training day.  In the afternoon we were let loose on the city in games cars to practice radio use (control, control, message received, over) and appreciate where the 14 venues are in relation to each other.  I still don’t know which of the 71 country teams I will be working with.


I read 6.5 books – unusually I abandoned a book a few chapters in when I realised I did not care about the characters and was avoiding it.  Of the 6 I completed, 4 involved crime solving, 1 was also in an imagined future and so combined my 2 favourite fiction genre (Ken Macleod for anyone else who loves crime solving and sci-fi).


I took 367 photos, of which 81 feature gees, swans or ducks.  I’ve spotted 4 goslings families, 2 duckling families and 1 batch of 7 cygnets.  The largest swan count during the month was 93 and on one day there were 56 swans congregated on this one stone islet


I crocheted a lot, including 1 mandala for Yarndale, 2 yellow ducks for the little yellow duck project promoting organ donor awareness and 6 small animal prototypes to sell to raise money for our crafting for charity (which I shared in this post).  I crocheted while chatting and drinking excellent coffee on all 4 of the Wednesdays in May in our crafting for charity group.


Thanks Julie for marshalling our monthly counts.


  1. Lovely catch up with your month, Helena...hoping to be organised for ZIZO this week!
    Alison xx

  2. I love the art! I think they look so right under the grey cloudy sky!

  3. I love seeing those kelpie statues again. In your ZIZO post, it was hard to imagine how they look relative to each other. Thanks for sharing,

  4. That's exciting about your volunteer job for the games!

    Sounds like birds are one of your favourite photography subjects ... or is your neighbourhood just overtaken by birds at the moment?

  5. That's exciting about your volunteer job for the games!

    Sounds like birds are one of your favourite photography subjects ... or is your neighbourhood just overtaken by birds at the moment?

  6. I think the hours you slept during May would have been a very small number! Your month sounds so full of lovely things.

  7. I saw goslings too this month, but didn't stop to take a photo as I was trying to get away from dogs at the time! [Dog phobia and photo ops in beautifully sunny days in parks don't mix!!]

    I do love the kelpies - I bet you took *lots* of photos! They're so charismatic.

    And the games prep all sounds all very official and interesting - the 10hr training day sounds full-on though! I hope those walkie-talkie skills will come in useful later on after the games ... it would be a shame to put them to waste! ;-)

    Your month is safely pinned to the Month in Numbers board with the other number crunchers now Helena:

    Here's to a bright and happy June.

    Julie :-)

  8. I've been catching little snippets about the games on the news and you always come to mind :)

  9. Great to catch up - the Games are going to be such a wonderful experience from close up as a volunteer!

  10. The volunteering for the Games sounds exciting.
