
Monday, June 30, 2014

I made–necklaces

continuing my tales of crafting past with bead jewellery


about 10 years ago, when I had been living in Wellington (NZ) for about 6 months I was exploring the fabulous central library and discovered their comprehensive collection of crafting magazines.  I picked up some beading magazines and leafed through them enjoying all the colours and the different techniques.  I generally wore a colourful necklace and brooch to work so I though I would give it a go.  There was a big bead shop nearby so I borrowed 2 of the magazines and went off to buy supplies.  I was hooked and quickly built up a good stash of beads and supplies.

I enjoyed the different techniques -


threading beads onto tiger wire or thread


threading beads with a needle and thread (and learning the difference between peyote and dutch twist)


and bending wire to create little charms to attach to chain (each fo those beads has a wire through it that I then bent into a hook.

I still have a decent stash of beads and all the related tools but, as with so many crafts, I rarely wear all the lovely pieces I made – in part because I no longer dress for work in an office.  I do make thinks with beads occasionally but no longer buy the magazine each month and so am not up with the latest trends and techniques. 

Any other current or former bead workers out there? and anyone else discovered a new craft through browsing magazines?


  1. These are fab! (and hurrah for a library which let you borrow magazines). Years ago I bought a bead catalogue here called, I think, "Janet Coles" and I made some earrings and a couple of necklaces. Very enjoyable

  2. I've made earrings and bracelets in the past & mended
    necklaces! I love beads and have a huge collection which I use now in other crafts. I love your necklaces and was thinking that now I don't work I rarely wear any of mine. Should they head to the bead box I wonder...

  3. Those are lovely pieces and to think you taught yourself from magazines. I love them!

  4. These are all gorgeous! I have several handmade necklaces thanks to a beading friend who has been very generous with her gifts to me!
