
Friday, May 23, 2014

busy crochet month

most of my crochet this month has been charity related.  A group of us from our weekly coffee group have started a craft for charity coffee group – the same coffee, cake and chat but with added crochet and knitting for various charities


most to the time we make 20 cm squares for either KAS who provide blankets for children in need in south Africa or LILY who are providing blankets for Syrian refugees.

recently we found out about a new campaign to raise awareness of being an organ donor – the idea is to leave yellow ducks in public places with a tag that encourages a visit to the website.  I’ve made some ducks but haven’t decided where to leave them yet

ducks 2

we have also been talking about raising money to help cover the postage of our squares and to raise awareness and hopefully recruit more members.  We thought we would go for lots of small items so I tried out some ami ideas and came up with this set of prototypes


I still need to work on some of the faces but am pleased overall and think they will work for pocket money buys – we are thinking £2 each ($3.30).  I will add elastic to the spiders so they can be hung up and some of the little hearts will have a broach fastener on the back.  The heart’ spider and monster patterns are from craftyiscool and I created the other animals using the same body shape as the alien and adding ears, tails etc inspired by a scroll through lots of ami images on Google.

The other thing I crocheted at the weekend was a mandala for the great mandala collection at Yarndale – the aim is to cover a wall with masses of colourful mandalas – they are collecting until June if you fancy contributing to this fun artwork.


Loving that I can amuse myself with a crochet hook, lovely colours and fun animals and have happy recipients so I don’t need to find a place for them all around my house. 


  1. What can I say? I just love the ducks...and the rest! I hope you raise a great pile of cash and I know someone here who will now be on the lookout for any ducks he might see abandoned in your vicinity..

  2. Clever ideas - and also nice to see someone doing good works for those in need. I love the little animals, you created some really cute ones. I'll watch for ducks.

  3. Love the colors in your mandala! And those little ducks?!?! Oh my gosh, so cute. In fact, all of your creations are lovely, Helena. You are one clever girl with a crochet hook!

  4. Wow! These are all so wonderful, and knowing that they're for a good cause makes them even better. I think my favourites are the ducks and the mandala.

  5. Those ducks are so stinking cute!!!

  6. Oh my, you have created such appealing creatures here. I love ducks - those little yellow ones are going to light up someone' stay.

  7. Those ducks are terrific!
